Monday, February 22, 2010
Sometimes, I'm watching a movie, or listening to an upbeat tune and it hits me.
Inspiration, it just comes.
I'm not very sure, inspiration comes spontaneously without warning. And that's when you have only a few minutes to make something of it. Let me explain.
Once inspiration hits you have to act on it, if you don't sometimes it slips away. It goes away. When it's gone, it may not come back right away. You can't will it to come back. It doesn't work that way.

Now I can prove this. Some of my writings are first drafted on pieces of scrap paper or napkins. It's just one of those things that require your all right way.

Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unlikely things such as an odd action or random words. Even memories inspire me, they inspire me to write about me, about anything and everything. Funny how it works.

So there it is.
What inspired me to write this?
I'm watching a movie, a musical nonetheless, my favorite.

