Saturday, June 4, 2011
Well his was very interesting. Being a vegetarian for five days turned out to be quite the challenge for someone like me.
My family eats meat every single day, so the challenge was trying to resist temptation.
Nevertheless, I tried my best to stick to my commitment and follow through with it.

So here is the menu for the last day of being a vegetarian:

Midnight Snack - leftover Pasta
Breakfast - chocolate chip muffin
Lunch - Mac and cheese
Dinner - white rice and fried egg
Snack - one monster marshmallow

Overall the day wasn't bad. I spent the day in CT with family who also cooked some yummy meat but I was alright.
So what is my verdict on being a vegetarian?
Well, it was hard but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
Something good that I definitely noticed is the fact that I less. Being aware of what I put in my plate made a huge difference in the portions I was consuming.
What I can take from this experience is that I can maybe cut back on what I eat specially meat. I don't think I can go full vegetarian but I can certainly try cutting back my meat intake and replace it with more greens.


