Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Well the time has come. Luka is almost six months.
Yeah, I know, six months is a big milestone to reach, but that's not the only thing that has come. The time has come for me to redirect my life.
When I was pregnant I decided that I would be a stay at home mom for at least six months to give proper care for him. I wanted him to have his mommy all for himself.
Well now I'm beginning my search for a job and I'm also thinking about going back to school.

What brought this on?


I love my mother, I loved and still love my grandmother and all the people who have raised me but so far none of them have further education beyond high school.
I've seen my mother struggle to find her place in a company where they use you up and spit you up once you're no use to them. Now she's forty something and she thinks she's too old for anything.
Could a college degree help? Well I think so.
I know I am my mom's most precious thing along with my two other sisters, and I know that she chose me instead of pursuing her life when she found out she was pregnant at 18. Yet, I know that she would have wanted to do more with her life.
I don't want to be forty something and wonder why in the world I didn't do anything else.

So, the search has begun. I am signing myself up for next fall semester and I pray that I can find a job that will meet both my salary and time requirements.
Then one day when Luka and my other future children are grown, they can look at me and use me as an example of what they should do with their own lives.

That is all, bye bye. :)


