Thursday, November 21, 2013
As I sit here in front of my desk breastfeeding my daughter and browsing the net, I started to wonder if I was being a bit careless by letting my 12 year old brother-in-law see me doing it.

You see, when I breastfeed, I do not use a cover. Not only is it too much work, it is also silly to try to shield others from something so natural and simple. I'm sure there are different opinions on this, but this is mine and I'm sticking to it.

When I'm at home, I breastfeed in front of my 4 year old. He doesn't pay much attention. He has seen my breasts countless times and he knows what they are for.

Today though, I have my brother-in-law visiting because he needs help with this homework. It didn't occur to me that I should cover. I mean, why would I? But it also made me think about whether or not he had seen other women breastfeeding. Of course he knows I breastfeed. He also knows that his mom breastfed all of his brothers as well as him. He knows that he comes from a long line of exclusively breast feeders, so it shouldn't surprise him that breasts produce milk and that's what babies eat.

So as I sit here breastfeeding my daughter, this conversation occurred:

Me: "Stop looking at my boobs!" (in a teasing manner)
Him: "I'm not!"
Me: "Ronald, he's looking at my boobs!"
Him: "I'm not! I'm looking at Sophia!"
Me: "Lol, I know, I'm just messing with you. When you went to Peru, you saw breastfeeding mothers right?"
Him: "Yeah, they don't cover themselves over there."

Plain and simple. They don't cover over there. Why? Because it's not necessary and this little man knows how pure and simple the act of breastfeeding is.
So it is with pride, that today, I breastfeed in front of him. I am convinced that the more exposure he gets, the more accepting and supportive he will be towards other breastfeeding mothers in public as well as his own wife when the time comes.

Boobies FTW!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I guess most of you have read Sophia's birth story and got to sort or experience what I went through giving birth to her. It hit me out of nowhere, that there is an untold story to this. My son Luka was there for most of it.

I made it my mission early on, to include my son in all aspects of my pregnancy. He came with me on many of my prenatal appointments, he was there for our first ultrasound and he was there rubbing my head whenever I was in pain. I wanted him to form a bond with his little sister very early on. Something that will carry throughout birth and the years to come. I happily report, that it worked. He adores his sister.

Well, regardless, that's not the point of this post. I was just in awe the other day when it finally hit me, my son was with me while I was in labor at home. He heard me moan, he heard me scream, he heard me cry and even though he felt bad for me, he held his composure really well. This is a four year old boy who could easily get scared but he was so brave and understanding for me. He knew full well I was in pain, but he also knew why I was having that pain and he welcomed it just as much as I did.
Never once did he show signs of distress. He didn't get too frustrated with my moans either.
He was just there, a presence, a rock, the perfect picture of composure, and I am so proud of him.
He welcomed birth as a natural thing.

My two munchkins asleep

