Wednesday, January 30, 2013
I'm a very open minded person, or at least I try to be.
There are certain things in the world that I don't understand. For example, violence towards people such as school shootings and horrible beatings because someone was angry at the world.

There are three things though that I very much understand and support 100%.

The first one, and this should not come as a surprise, is breastfeeding.
The second one is attachment parenting (look it up)
The third one is human rights.

Now, a part of being a human being comes with the advantage of having rights. One of those rights is to be able to love whomever you chose regardless of sex. To me, love is love and love knows nothing about sexual orientation.
Bare with me here, I know this is a lot of background info but there is a point to it.

I was reading about a guy who came out to his mother a few years back and told her he was gay. In his story he tells us that his mother cried in her bed saying she didn't want her son to be gay. A few years later it was established that the mother finally accepted his son for being gay and all was good in the world.
I mean, yay for the mom but it left me with the obvious "What if" question.

What if Luka came to me one day and told me he was gay? Would I cry, would I yell, would I disown him and kick him out?

Of course not hahaha!
He is my son. No matter who he chooses to like or love he will always be my son.
I carried this person in my womb, I gave birth to him, I breastfed him and I raised him to be the lovely little boy he is today. I hope one day he will become a kind, gentle soul who cares for other human beings. I hope that he will grow up with compassion and respect for all living things in this earth. I hope he becomes a man who can be proud of himself and proud of his parents for helping him become that man.
His sexual orientation has nothing to do with the kind of person who I hope he becomes. It will never change the love I have for him. It will never make me feel less proud or ashamed of him in the least.

So if my son ever comes to me telling me he is gay, I shall give him a big hug and say "that's great, so what's his name?"
I will not cry in pain and question myself on what I did wrong, because I will know that his sexual orientation had nothing to do with my parenting. It's just what his heart wants and we all know that the heart wants what the heart wants.

I know a lot of people won't agree with me and will probably tell me that I won't know what my reaction will be if that ever happens. But I know now, I know with all my soul that the love I feel for my son will never falter one bit.

He is my son and I love him.
I will always love him, gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual and any other -sexual


